Funny 21st Birthday Cakes for Her

Novelty 21st Birthday Cake Design Bakers & Cakers works a little differently than other platforms because we offer a marketplace for skilled local bakers. That in mind, each image you see featured on our site was handcrafted by the talented local artesian who posted it—there are no stock photos and each piece is unique to the caker who presents it.

Browse and favourite the designs you like. Use our inspiration boards to find 21st birthday cakes you like. Become a member to favourite them, so they're easy to find later. If certain cakers stand out from others, you can follow them as well.

Reach out to cakers directly. Contact cakers directly if you have questions or are ready to place an order.

Order as early as possible. Because you're working with an individual who makes custom cakes rather than a mass producer or big store, you'll need to place your order as early as possible. Some of our cakers book a month or more in advance, especially during peak seasons. Plus, your caker will require some time to plan, design, and create your work of art, so the more time you allow him or her to do this, the better your finished piece will come out.

Be ready to provide details. Your caker will need to know details, like how many people are attending the party, dates, preferred colours, flavours, and other information in order to answer questions or commit to a project. You can streamline the process by becoming a member and sending out enquiries to multiple cakers at once.

Be prepared to be wowed. Many of our cakers have specialties, including design elements and custom flavours. If they make suggestions, take heart!

How to Make it Memorable

Creative Cake Design For 21st Birthday Choose a theme that speaks to you. It doesn't really matter what you choose, so long as the theme you select is somehow important to you/ personalised and that you follow the theme throughout the event, from the décor through the invites, food, and drinks.

Plan in advance. Give yourself a couple months to work out all the details if you can. As a rule of thumb, invites should go out 3-6 weeks in advance.

Recruit friends. Make things easy on yourself and your friends by giving people special tasks to tackle in advance, and do something fun to honour them, like naming drinks or dishes after them.

Plan their entry and departure. People tend to remember their entry and departure the most, so do whatever you can to make them comfortable upon arrival and send them away with a memory.

Bring in good food. The right kind of food will vary based upon the theme. You can make it easier on your guests by creating a buffet or food table with a sign inviting them to jump in.

Keep the music playing. Whether you prefer iTunes, Spotify, or another music app, create a playlist that suits your theme and keeps the crowd energized.

Offer activities. Unless you're doing something like a mystery dinner, it's very challenging to bring everyone together for activities. Instead, create activities that people can do independently or in small groups.

21st Birthday Dog Themed Cake Create photo ops. Your party will be the stuff of legends if it makes its way to social media feeds. Encourage your guests to take snapshots by setting up a few themed backdrops.

Let guests know what to expect. Leaving a party can be especially awkward, especially when guests feel the need to slink out undetected or feel pressure to stay. Post a schedule of events, so they can pick and choose what to stay for.

Throw them a curveball anyway. Toss in a few surprises, such as games, food (hello, Jello shots), slideshows of the birthday boy/ girl or funny speech. This helps create high points that stick in their memories.

Ideas for 21st Birthday Cakes

Although our cakers can create anything you can imagine, a few of the most common current requests are outlined below.

  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Beer
  • Carnival
  • Decades (especially 20s, 80s and 90s)
  • Floral
  • Fortnite
  • Flamingo/ Tropical
  • Game of Thrones
  • Gold/ Glitter
  • Harry Potter
  • Hobbies
  • Masquerade/ Mardi Gras
  • Shopping
  • Spa
  • Sports (especially football!)
  • Star Wars

Trending Themes for 21st Birthday Parties

Themed birthday parties are quite popular nowadays. You can use the list below as inspiration for your own party.

  • Costumed events, like a Gatsby party, black-tie affairs, masquerade balls, and even zombies.
  • Travel or destination themed parties, including beach, tropical, and rain forest styles.
  • Entertainment, including movies, television, video games, and books.
  • Parties involving games, such as casino and carnival.
  • Decades, with most leaning toward the 20s, 80s, or 90s.


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